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Few Core Pieces

Sophisticated bachelor flat in London

Nobody can have failed to notice that luxurious fabrics, some good antique furniture and at least one fabulous chandelier have been popular if not key elements in classic interior design for quite some time. The mix is not so much a fashion statement or restricted to period architecture but rather a timeless combination of core pieces upon which owners and designers alike set out to build the very personal styles that evolve from such a starting point. Alexander Ashburner Nix was already a convert to these basics and had some very pretty inherited pieces of furniture in store so when he set about creating a sophisticated bachelor flat, in two stages, he called upon old friends with the expertise to help him pull it all together. First came Christopher Prain of Christopher Chanond who undertook all the space planning, permissions and building work followed by family friend and former Colefax & Fowler designer Sophie Stonor for the all-important soft furnishing choices and quality making up that gives a home an edge, a tailored finish, the final polish.

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