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Kitchen Stories

Fourstorey Victorian terraced house in south London

The aesthetic is almost defined by what you want to do with the house,” says Flo Bayley, sitting at her large dining table. “We want people to be comfortable, to come round and have supper, drinks, sit in the garden, whatever they feel like doing.” We’re in the basement of Stephen and Flo Bayley’s fourstorey Victorian terraced house in south London and the espressos are flowing. “For most people,” she adds, “it would be very peculiar to sit with plates.” Along one wall of shelves is a collection of glasses, carafes, cups and saucers, along another are racks of wine bottles, plates and cutlery, and a leg of Serrano ham – knife in. It’s part decorative, conforming to their belief that yo should take every little think you own seriously and only acquire things that have real value and meaning to you; and part practical – the kitchen is just too small not to have everything on show.

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